Technical Assistance:Scoring Criteria

Scoring Criteria 3

Income Targeting

Projects earn points in this category if:

  • They provide housing for households with very low, low or moderate incomes
  • For rental projects, a minimum of 20 percent of the units must be occupied by households at or below 50 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI)

Points Available (Variable): up to 20 points

Rental Project


Homeownership Project 


Rental Project Points Calculation:
60% or more of units are at or below 50% AMI 20 Points

If less than 60 percent of units are at or below 50 percent AMI, calculate based on the following income targeting:

Percentage of units at or below 50% AMI Multiply by 20
Percentage of units above 50% AMI but below or equal to 60% AMI Multiply by 18
Percentage of units above 60% AMI but below or equal to 80% AMI Multiply by 16
Add three categories above Total Points

Note: For rental projects that involve the purchase or rehabilitation of rental housing that is already occupied, the income targeting scoring criteria will be evaluated based on the income of the households that occupy the project at the time the application is submitted unless there is an approved relocation plan.

Homeownership Project Points:
20% or more of units are for households at or below 60% AMI 20 Points
10% or more, but less than 20% of units are at or below 60% of AMI 18 Points
Less than 10% of units are at or below 60% of AMI 16 Points

Note: No additional points are awarded if greater than 20% of the homeownership units are <60% AMI. Consider remaining units <80% for flexibility.

Required documents include:

  • Tenant Rent Roll - for rental projects that involve the purchase or rehabilitation of rental housing that is already occupied (without a relocation plan).
  • All documentation of household income occurs during project administration (post-award). 

Helpful hints

  • Households must meet income targeting at initial occupancy of the unit, which will be verified at project completion.
  • Additionally, income targeting commitments established at time of application for rental projects is the permanent income targeting to for the 15-year retention period of the project.

1Relocation Plan:

  • A relocation plan may be any plan that is approved by any federal, state or local government funder(s) involved in the financing of the project; or
  • If a plan is not a funder requirement, then the relocation plan must address the requirements of a relocation plan as outlined in the 2024 AHP Implementation Plan