Technical Assistance:Scoring Criteria


Scoring Criteria

In this module, you will learn how points may be allocated to your project according to the following seven areas of scoring criteria resulting in an overall score for your project to be considered for Affordable Housing Program (AHP) funds.

Points are awarded under each criteria on either a fixed or variable basis:

  • FIXED Points – must meet the minimum eligibility requirements for that criteria to earn the full points
  • VARIABLE Points – points are calculated based on level of criteria selected in application

Application scoring is based upon the content of the application. Note any unanswered questions or undocumented answers in the application for AHP funds may receive zero points for that category. More details on the scoring criteria can be found in the Implementation Plan.

Download a Self-Scoring Worksheet for your Rental or Homeownership AHP project.

Rental Project Worksheet

Homeownership Project Worksheet

Criteria 1 – Donated or Discounted Property: If your project receives donated or discounted land or units, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 2 – Non-Profit or Government Sponsorship: If your project is sponsored by a non-profit, a state or political subdivision of a state, a state or regional housing agency, a local housing authority, a Native American Tribe, Alaskan Native Village or the government entity for a Native Hawaiian Home Lands, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 3 – Income Targeting: If your project targets low-income housing, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 4 – Economic Opportunity/Empowerment: If your project assists residents in attaining life skills or moving toward better economic opportunities, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 5 – Underserved Communities: If your project provides housing for the homeless, housing for those with special needs or housing for other targeted populations, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 6 – Community Stability, including Affordable Housing Preservation: If your project contributes to community stability by adaptive reuse, rehabilitation or demolition of a vacant building, rehabilitation of owner-occupied housing or naturally occurring affordable housing, you may be eligible for points in this category.

Criteria 7 – Bank District Priority: If your project is located within the FHLB Des Moines district, includes Native Housing Projects, or offers per-unit subsidies, you may be eligible for points in the category.