Scoring Criteria 2
Non-Profit or Government Sponsor
Projects earn points in this category if:
A non-profit or government sponsor is integrally involved in the project, meeting the following criteria:
Rental Projects
Sponsor must have greater than 50 percent controlling ownership interest in both governance and financial aspects.
Homeownership Projects
A sponsor must play at least two of these roles to be eligible for points:
- Manage the acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of property
- Qualify borrowers and provide or arrange for financing for the owners of the units
- Directly providing empowerment services as identified in the AHP application.
Points Available (Fixed): 10
If you meet the criteria above, you earn 10 points. If you do not meet the criteria above, you receive 0 points for this category.
Required documents includes:
Helpful hints
Bank exhibit available on the AHP application page of the FHLB Des Moines website