2023 Affordable Housing Program Press Kit

On behalf of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines (FHLB Des Moines), we would like to thank you for your support of the Affordable Housing Program (AHP). Together, we are making a profound impact on affordable housing accessibility across our district.
Affordable Housing Program Communication Toolkit
This communication toolkit has been developed to assist you in getting the word out about the affordable housing project(s) you were awarded this year and the AHP grant received from FHLB Des Moines, building awareness of the good work you are doing in your community and to also increase understanding around the need for affordable housing more broadly.
If you need assistance with the publicity around your AHP grant or help with the creation of social media graphics, please reach out to Julie DeVader, PR Manager, at jdevader@fhlbdm.com or 515.412.2172.
By sharing the good news you will:
- Celebrate the AHP grant and raise awareness for both the participating FHLB Des Moines member and housing sponsor organization.
- Build greater support and partnerships with key audiences, including the media, local officials, business leaders and the general public.
- Gain valuable recognition for the impact you are making to support your community.
- Help increase understanding of the need for access affordable housing.
What is included:
Social Media Templates • News Release • FHLB Des Moines Logos • Key Messaging

Let's be social!
Use these social media template messages on your own social media platforms to share the news of your award, and to raise awareness for your project in the community.
No graphic design experience - no problem. We have downloadable images available for immediate use! Increase brand awareness by adding your logo to the design files below.
When sharing the news, be sure to tag FHLB Des Moines. Tags will help increase the reach of your post and allow FHLB Des Moines as well as other community stakeholders to like, comment and share!
@Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines
@Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines
You can customize these templates to fit your brand's voice and style, but remember to keep the main message intact. This is a great opportunity to highlight your award and the positive impact it will have in your community.
For FHLB Des Moines Members:
Sample Post #1
Thank you to @Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for partnering with us to secure ($xxx,xxxx) in grant funding to support (Housing Sponsor Organization) through the 2023 Affordable Housing Program. This project will result in the (creation or rehabilitation) of (#) units of affordable housing in (City/State).
(Sentence or two about project/impact or quote from your company)
The FHLB Des Moines Affordable Housing Program is a competitive program that encourages partnerships with housing sponsors and member institutions like ours to provide affordable housing to vulnerable populations. The program has disbursed over $844 million in funding since the inception of the program in 1990.
Learn more: (link to press release) #FHLBDesMoinesAHP #AffordableHousing
Sample Post #2
As a member institution of @FHLBDM, we are proud to support affordable housing in our community through (housing sponsor organization/project name). The goal of the project to (describe goal) was recognized by the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines through the Affordable Housing Program with a ($XXX,XXX) grant! Learn more: (link to press release)
#FHLBDesMoinesAHP #AffordableHousing
For AHP Sponsors:
Sample Post #1
(Your Organization Name) is proud to announce we have been awarded ($xxx,xxxx) in Affordable Housing Program grants from @Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines. This award, sponsored by (member financial institution) will support (project details) and commits to the (creation or rehabilitation) of (#) of homes in (City/State).
(sentence or two about project/impact or quote from your company)
Learn more: (link to press release)
#FHLBDesMoinesAHP #AffordableHousing
Sample Post #2
We are thrilled to announce the collaboration between (your organizations name) and (member financial institution) in successfully securing ($XXX,XXX) in grant funding through the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Affordable Housing Program. With this critical grant funding, (Housing Sponsor Organization) is now empowered to make a significant impact in addressing housing challenges in (state) with our latest project (project details) that commits to the (creation or rehabilitation) of (#) homes. Learn more: (link to press release)
#FHLBDesMoinesAHP #AffordableHousing
Please download the appropriate type of file for your needs. Logos cannot be manipulated in any way. Please contact Julie DeVader, PR Manager, at jdevader@fhlbdm.com or 515.412.2172 with additional needs.
The goal of distributing the release to local media outlets is to raise awareness for your institution/organization, celebrate the grant received and call attention to the need for affordable housing options in your community. Additional uses include publishing it to your own website, blog or company newsletter.
For any media inquiries about the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, please reach out to Julie DeVader, PR Manager, at jdevader@fhlbdm.com or 515.412.2172.
For FHLB Des Moines Members:
Download MEMBER press release
For Housing Sponsors:
Download SPONSOR press release
As you talk about the FHLB Des Moines Affordable Housing Program with the general public and your key stakeholder groups, what follows are message themes you can use to guide the discussion.
FHLB Des Moines contributes 10 percent of its net income each year to affordable housing programs. As a participant of FHLB Des Moines’ AHP, we are proud to be part of the solution to help meet the housing needs of low- to moderated-income individuals and families.
- FHLB Des Moines offers a variety of products to support the purchase, construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing through the Affordable Housing Program (AHP).
- AHP is a competitive program that encourages partnerships with housing sponsors and member institutions to provide affordable housing to vulnerable populations in our communities.
- This program is one of the nation’s largest sources of grants for affordable housing projects.
Since its inception in 1990, the FHLB Des Moines Affordable Housing Program has awarded more than $735 million in funding, impacting more than 92,000 families. The unique structure of the AHP allows its members to reinvest in their own communities.
- Projects are awarded funds based on a ranking, eligibility and feasibility criteria determined by an internal review team at FHLB Des Moines.
- These initiatives create significant opportunities to support affordable housing efforts and provide access to safe housing for families in need.
- Access to affordable housing is a significant issue across the country. FHLB Des Moines is a champion of advancing the cause and providing resources to address this challenge.
Download communication kit