FHLB Des Moines Response: FireEye and SolarWinds Security Breaches
last updated on Friday, December 18, 2020 in Business News
The Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines (FHLB Des Moines or the Bank) is aware of recent security breaches at FireEye and SolarWinds.
FHLB Des Moines does not utilize any products or services from FireEye; therefore, the Bank is not directly impacted by that specific breach.
The Bank does, however, utilize certain products in the SolarWinds Orion Platform. FHLB Des Moines followed the applicable provisions in the Department of Homeland Security’s Emergency Directive 21-01 in regards to the SolarWinds attack. These provisions include immediately isolating all instances, blocking known associated domains, reaching out to applicable third parties for impact and conducting a forensic investigation based on known signatures of the attack.
At this time, there is no evidence that the malware in the Bank’s SolarWinds software was activated in a malicious manner.
FHLB Des Moines will notify appropriate parties if additional information should change this status.
If you have any further questions or would like more information, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Toll Free: 800.544.3452, ext. 2555
Email: servicedesk@fhlbdm.com

Kevin T Larkin
Chief Information Officer
Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines