Amortizing Advance
Amortizing Advances can be structured to match a variety of fixed-rate mortgage amortization schedules, giving you the flexibility to customize the advance to meet your specific funding needs. Symmetrical prepayment features are not available on Amortizing Advances with a delayed amortization or prepayment (call) feature.
Amortizing Advance Details
- Features
- Amortization periods up to 30 years with balloon/ final maturities up to 30 years
- Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payment schedules based on:
- Level Payments* – Equal periodic principal and interest payments over the life of the advance.
- Level Principal Payments – Equal periodic principal payments over the life of the advance.
- Available with delay feature which makes proceeds available on day one, but commencement of the repayment of the principal can be delayed for up to five years
- An option to prepay without incurring a prepayment fee following a member-selected lockout date can also be included
- Available with symmetrical prepayment feature, excluding Community Investment Advances (CIA)
- Symmetrical prepayment feature requires $1 million minimum size and maximum term to maturity of 10 years.
- Actual principal and interest payments charged over the life of the advance may differ between billing periods due to the Bank’s use of an Actual Day/360 Day calendar in its interest calculations.
- Benefits
- Match the scheduled amortization characteristics of many fixed rate assets
- Manage long-term and unpredictable cash flows
- Control the timing of the principal cash flows and the repayment of the advance with the delay feature
- Product Overview
- Availability - Same Day
- Term Limits - 1 to 30 years
- Minimum Requirement - $100,000
- Interest Billing - Various
- Rates Variable/Fixed - Fixed
- Optimal Yield Curves
based of rate expectations
- Possible Uses
- Amortization periods up to 30 years with balloon/ final maturities up to 30 years
- Monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payment schedules based on:
- Level Payments* – Equal periodic principal and interest payments over the life of the advance.
- Level Principal Payments – Equal periodic principal payments over the life of the advance.
- Available with delay feature which makes proceeds available on day one, but commencement of the repayment of the principal can be delayed for up to five years
- An option to prepay without incurring a prepayment fee following a member-selected lockout date can also be included
- Available with symmetrical prepayment feature, excluding Community Investment Advances (CIA)
- Symmetrical prepayment feature requires $1 million minimum size and maximum term to maturity of 10 years.
- Actual principal and interest payments charged over the life of the advance may differ between billing periods due to the Bank’s use of an Actual Day/360 Day calendar in its interest calculations.
- Match the scheduled amortization characteristics of many fixed rate assets
- Manage long-term and unpredictable cash flows
- Control the timing of the principal cash flows and the repayment of the advance with the delay feature
Request an Advance
Certain restrictions apply. Please reference FHLB Des Moines Member Products Policy and Collateral Procedures.