FHLB Des Moines Expands Supplier Diversity Program through an Online Bidding Platform
last updated on Friday, March 27, 2020 in Business News
We are expanding our Supplier Diversity Program. Earlier this month, we began accepting bids online for open contracting opportunities to strengthen our connection with diverse suppliers.
By centralizing and streamlining our bidding and vendor management process through our online supplier portal we can manage and oversee our sourcing activities. And, more importantly, it provides our diverse suppliers and vendor relationship owners with an efficient, cost-effective and transparent bidding process.
In order to gain access to a list of open contracting opportunities, interested suppliers must register for our Supplier Diversity Program. Once registered, suppliers can access their online company profile, view and respond to open bids and upload relevant documents and files for any of our open opportunities. All registered suppliers will receive notifications of new contracting opportunities through Supplier Gateway’s mobile application, website or automated emails.
With a click of a mouse, our online portal provides our vendor relationship owners access to a broad and diverse network of qualified suppliers during the year. They can also view how many suppliers match a specific opportunity based on their designated diverse business classification.
Suppliers can register online for our Supplier Diversity Program at https://fhlbdm.suppliergateway.com/. To help our suppliers navigate the registration and bidding process, we’ve posted two guides online: our Vendor Registration Guide and Vendor Bidding Guide. Questions regarding our registration process or our online bidding process can be directed to the Bank’s Supplier Diversity team at 515-412-2300, by emailing SupplierDiversity@fhlbdm.com or visiting our public website.