Technical Assistance:Scoring Criteria

Scoring Criteria 1

Donated or Discounted Property

Projects earn points in this category if:

  1. A minimum of 20 percent of the units or land area were donated or the fair market value of all the units or land conveyed was discounted 20 percent or more and;

  2. the donation or conveyance occurred within three years of the AHP application or seven years for difficult to develop conditions and;

  3. the donated or conveyed property was an arm’s length transaction.

  4. If the AHP project is assuming debt, the amount of the debt being assumed will be included in the assessment of the amount paid for the property.

  • Long-term, nominal leases may qualify.

Points Available (Variable): 1 - 5

Donated or Discounted? Provider of Property Calculate Points
Conveyed Federal Government 1 point
Donated Non-Government Entity Units donated  OR donated land
Discounted Any Entity

discounted units


discounted land

Required documents include:

  • Evidence of donation – transfer deed, purchase agreement, letter of intent

  • Appraisal or current assessed value – as-is condition within six months prior to AHP application or six months prior to donation transfer. If it’s 100% donated, no appraisal is necessary.